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It's Time to Register for the Oak Ridges Neighbourhood Watch

Oak Ridges Neighbourhood Watch Registration


The next step is to set up the Oak Ridges Neighbourhood Watch (ORNW) is to register so that we can begin coordinating each block in Ward 1. 


You may have been part of an earlier Oak Ridges Neighbourhood Watch however we ask that you please register again so that we can gather all of the member information in one place.

Oak Ridges Neighbourhood Watch (ORNW) is a community-based network of volunteers who take pride in their neighbourhoods by providing “eyes” on the street to gather information about possible crime activity, suspicious individuals, and suspected damage to property.


ORNW members operate at “street” level and increase the knowledge of how to prevent crime in our communities.


Your participation is important to make all our fellow citizens feel ‘safe’ in a secure neighbourhood.


Participation is totally voluntary; no ongoing activity is necessary other than to follow simple steps. There are no costs to participation; we all benefit from the time proven program – “Neighbours helping Neighbours” to build safe communities.


Neighbourhood Watch is recognized as an important Crime Prevention Program of our York Regional Police Service --- it will only continue to expand by citizen participation.


Thank you for expressing interest in the Oak Ridges Neighbourhood Watch Program. We hope to welcome you as a registered member.


The program requires a certain number of Watch Members, Block Coordinators and Street Captains, once we receive enough participants, York Regional Police will assist us in starting a Neighborhood Watch Program so please share this with your Oak Ridges family, friends and neighbours and encourage them to also register.

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