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Recap: Special Council Meeting - Metroview Developments - Sept. 6

Meeting Recap

Citing that "we're not going to see anything better than this" for the city, Council unanimously approved the staff recommendations of the revised development application.

The applicant submitted a revised application that reduces the height and density of the proposed development from a 54-storey to a 30-storey mixed use apartment building on an eight-storey podium with an FSI of 4.92.

Metroview Developments (Garden) Inc.

8700 and 8710 Yonge Street

Request for Direction – Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications

The applicant submitted a revised application that reduces the height and density of the proposed development to a 30-storey mixed use apartment building on an eight-storey podium with an FSI of 4.92.

The proposed reduction in building height and FSI are significant when compared to the applicant’s 2021 proposal, which proposed a 54 storey building with an FSI of 6.54.

  • Staff recommends that the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) be advised that Council supports the revised development proposal.

  • View Staff report here

Revised Development Proposal (2023) – Settlement Offer

  • The applicant has proposed a Settlement Offer that reconfirms previous commitments to address technical staff comments related to parkland dedication, access, parking, sanitary servicing capacity, waste management, landscaping, outdoor amenity space and tree preservation and reduces the height and density of the proposed development to a 30-storey mixed use apartment building on an eight-storey podium with an FSI of 4.92.

  • The applicant has reserved the right to revert back to the heights and densities proposed in the 2022 Development Proposal at the upcoming OLT hearing in the event that the Settlement Offer is not accepted by Council.


  • On February 10, 2021, Council considered staff report to permit a high density 54-storey apartment building and did not support the application.

  • On March 29, 2023, Council considered a revised development proposal submitted by the applicant in October 2022 to permit a 45-storey building and did not support that proposal.

  • Council’s March 29, 2023 direction was for City staff to work with the applicant to encourage submission of a further revised development proposal that better aligns with the recently adopted Richmond Hill Centre Secondary Plan

  • If the applicant's Settlement Offer adopted by City Council, the recommendations will result in the settlement of the outstanding official plan amendment and zoning by-law amendment appeals presently scheduled for an OLT hearing commencing on September 18, 2023.

Summary of Key Considerations

Staff has undertaken a comprehensive review of the applicant’s Settlement Offer and are in support of same for the following reasons:

  • The proposed high density mixed-use residential commercial development is consistent with the PPS and conforms with the Growth Plan, which direct that within Settlement Areas, municipalities plan for and promote transit-supportive development, and accommodate a range of housing options through intensification and redevelopment to create more sustainable communities and to use land and infrastructure more efficiently;

  • The proposed high density mixed-use residential commercial development is permitted and encouraged from a land use perspective within a Regional Centre in the Urban Area of the YROP and within the Richmond Hill Centre designation of the Official Plan. In this regard, the revised proposal (2023) provides for a transit oriented and pedestrian supportive built form that is consistent with the adopted Secondary Plan for this area;

  • The proposed height, density, tower floorplate size and location are considered appropriate given the location, context, design and form of the proposal;

  • Based on the information provided by the applicant, the revised proposal (2023) contributes to achieving the affordable housing targets set out in the YROP, the Official Plan and the Secondary Plan in providing approximately 40 percent of new residential units within the development as affordable to low and moderate income households and 10 percent of residential units as three bedrooms or larger to accommodate a range of household sizes and types;

  • The revised proposal (2023) provides for parkland dedication as requested in order to satisfy, in part, the parkland dedication requirements of the Secondary Plan;

  • The site design provides adequate on-site outdoor amenity space; and,

  • The applicant’s revised proposal (2023) satisfactorily addresses technical requirements related to parking, waste management, engineering and various other matters that have been identified by circulated departments and agencies.

It is recommended that the applicant’s revised Official Plan and Zoning By-law

Amendment applications be approved, and that staff continue to work to finalize the related Site Plan application. Any remaining technical matters will be addressed through the detailed Site Plan approval process.

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