Council Public Meeting Tuesday December 10, 2024 at 7pm

Meeting Agenda: Meeting Agenda
Watch Meeting: Meeting Video
Council Members attending in person:
West, Davidson, Thompson, Cui, Cilevitz
Council Members attending remotedly:
Chan, DiPaola, Shui
On the Agenda:
A request for comments concerning the first draft of Phase 1A of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law (CZBL) Project, focusing on four intensification areas:
Yonge Street and Carrville/16th Avenue Key Development Area,
Village Local Centre,
Newkirk Local Centre,
Oak Ridges Local Centre.
Key points:
The CZBL Project, initiated in 2018, aims to consolidate and update the city's zoning by-laws
Phase 1A addresses the four intensification areas, while Phase 1B (scheduled for 2025) will cover lands in the Neighborhood designation
The project is part of the City's Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Action Plan to increase housing supply
Council endorsed four Strategic Direction Reports (SDRs) and a Parking and Transportation Demand Management Strategy (PTDMS) to guide the CZBL development
Public consultations have been conducted, including open houses and workshops
The report outlines the legislative requirements, including the need to align with the updated Official Plan within three years
It provides an overview of recent Official Plan Amendments (OPAs) for the four intensification areas, with some still under appeal
The Yonge Street and Carrville/16th Avenue KDA is described in detail, including its vision as a walkable, sustainable, and vibrant mixed-use urban centre

Public Comments:
The public may submit written correspondence regarding agenda matters by email to Written correspondence must be submitted by 12 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Comments submitted will be provided to all Members of Council, considered as public information and noted in the public record.
No prior registration is required to make an in-person Delegation, but is encouraged. Prior registration is required should the public intend to make an electronic delegation by video conference or telephone. Applications to appear as a delegation must be submitted by 12 p.m. on the day of the meeting by email to or by using the on-line application form. The Office of the Clerk will provide instructions on appearing as a delegation.