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Here you'll find a wealth of information on proactive measures you can take to protect yourself, your home, and your neighborhood.

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York Regional
Police (YRP)

As one of Canada's safest communities, York Regional Police works closely with citizens, local businesses and community organizations to promote strong, safe and healthy communities.


Crime prevention plays an important role in preventing and solving crime. Together, we can make a difference on our streets and in our neighbourhoods, our workplaces and our schools.

There is a wealth of information on the YRP website to help residents Identifying crime in their community.

YRP Facts

Some YRP Facts

  • York Region is home to about 1.2 million residents and York Region Police cover 1,756 square kilometres of land across nine municipalities.

  • In 2024 YRP had a strength of 1,664 officers.

  • York Regional Council approved $441.5M for 2025 York Regional Police Operating budget a 7.7% increase from the previous year.

  • Overall, York Region's 2025 operating budget totals $3.5 billion, with 30% allocated to YRP.

  • In 2025 YRP will be hiring 154 new staff members to address rising crime rates in the community. 

  • New positions include:

    • 34 New officers for hold up, autocargo theft, tactical intelligence and financial crimes.

    • 14 Additional officers for hate crime prevention, bail officers and canine.

    • $74.3 for Targeted initiatives to investigate complex organized and violent crimes.

    • Enhancements to Forensic Identification, Cybercrime & High Risk Offender Units.

    • Officers to address Special Victims, Human Trafficking & Intimate Partner Violence.


Register your security cameras

There is one easy step you can take to help police solve crimes

in your neighbourhood.


Register your security cameras at


Knowing where video footage may be available could help close an investigation quicker.

Protect from Vehicle Theft

Personal Safety

Take steps to keep yourself safe
York Regional Police wants to help citizens reduce their risk of becoming a victim of crime or circumstance though education and awareness.


Everybody should consider taking preventative measures to keep themselves safe while doing everyday things like shopping, banking and exercising indoors and out.

Neighbourhood Watch

Oak Ridges Neighbourhood Watch

Oak Ridges Neighbourhood Watch (ORNW) is a community-based network of volunteers who take pride in their neighbourhoods by providing “eyes” on the street to gather information about possible crime activity, suspicious individuals, and suspected damage to property.

Crime Trends

The York Regional Police Community Safety Map offers daily updates on crime trends within York Region.

Crime Trends Richmond Hill

last 365 days

Road Safety Trends

Road Safety Trends

The York Regional Police Road Safety Trends Map offers daily updates on road safety trends within York Region.

Road Safety Trends Richmond Hill last 365 days

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