Wednesday February 15, 2023 at 7:30pm

3.1 SRPI.23.015 – Request for Comments – Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications – Elm 9700 Yonge LP – 9700 Yonge Street
The proposed development (block 1) is to be comprised of two purpose-built rental apartment buildings 18 and 24 storeys in height with an 8 storey podium.

The applicant has also submitted an associated draft Plan of Subdivision to create 2 development blocks (blocks 1 & 3) and a block (block 2)for the extension of Addison Street.
Staff notes that a related draft Plan of Subdivision application has been submitted but is not subject to the statutory public meeting notice requirements in accordance with Bill 23
Based on a preliminary review of the proposed development relative to the Regional Mixed Use Corridor designation policies of the Plan, the proposed residential and commercial uses would be permitted within the Regional Mixed Use Corridor designation in a high-rise mixed use building format. However, the development as currently proposed would not conform to the applicable height and density policies of the Plan
the proposed tower heights of 18 and 24 storeys and podium height of 8 storeys exceed the maximum permitted building height of 15 storeys and podium height of 4 storeys permitted within the Regional Mixed Use Corridor designation
the proposed density of 4.2 FSI exceeds the maximum permitted density of 2.5 FSI within the Regional Mixed Use Corridor designation;

3.2 SRPI.23.014 – Request for Comments – Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications – Gil Shcolyar and Maria Shcolyar – 16 and 20 Centre Street West
to facilitate a 6 storey residential building containing a total of 27 dwelling units and one level of underground parking
the applicant’s proposal is considered a high density residential development, which is not a permitted use in the Village District of Downtown Local Centre
the proposed building height exceeds the maximum height of 5 storeys permitted within the Downtown Local Centre designation
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